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News and events in South Berkshire, Mass.

Berkshire County Historical Society Cemetery Tour: Woods Cemetery
08:00AM / Thursday, October 19, 2023
MONTEREY, Mass. — Berkshire County Historical Society will host a cemetery walk at Woods Cemetery   The walk will take place on Wednesday Oct. 25 at 4:30 pm.   Join historian Robert Hoogs as he explores the historic Woods Cemetery. Take a walking tour of the oldest cemetery in Monterey where Rev. Adonijah Bidwell and two of his wives are buried along with many of the early settlers of what was once Township #1 (modern day Tyringham and Monterey).    Meet at the Bidwell House Museum parking lot at the end of Art School Road. Participants will carpool from there to the cemetery as parking is limited on Beartown Mountain Road. Participants should wear sturdy shoes and


Simon’s Rock to Host Symposium Week on Social Justice and Inclusion
12:07PM / Wednesday, October 18, 2023
GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Simon's Rock will host the Symposium on Social Justice and Inclusion, which is an annual program sponsored by the Council for Inclusive Community (CIC).    This Symposium provides designated time and space for the Simon's Rock community to deconstruct barriers to action on important social justice issues — in the classroom and in day-to-day life, using a theme. This year the theme is Collective Activism.   This year's keynote guest  will be activist and author Shanae Watkins, speaking on Saturday, Oct. 28 at 3 p.m. in the McConnell Theater at the Daniel Arts Center on campus. The event can also be streamed virtually on



Great Barrington Begins Housatonic Rail Trail Improvements
04:07PM / Tuesday, October 17, 2023
GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — A section of  the Housatonic Rail Trail south of Main Street will be closed starting the week of Oct. 16, to make way for trail improvements that will improve conditions for accessibility, bikes, strollers and pedestrians.   The closure begins at Main Street and runs approximately 3,100 feet south on the town-owned section of the trail, toward AmeriGas. Work will stop just north of the AmeriGas property, where the trail is privately owned.   Public Works Superintendent Joe Aberdale said only essential trees alongside the trail will be removed to accommodate the project, and the tree removal plan is under review. The trail will be closed for


Toasting and Tasting for Berkshire South Fundraiser
11:46AM / Friday, October 13, 2023
GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Share a taste of community at Toasting & Tasting for Berkshire South, the Community Center's beer, wine and spirit tasting fundraiser supporting its financial assistance program.    Saturday, Oct. 14, from 5-9 p.m., the event features the Michael Junkins Trio, light fare from KJ Nosh, beverages from local alcohol purveyors, a silent auction, a mystery Wine Pull, a free photo booth, and more activities.   "Berkshire South Regional Community Center awards nearly $125,000 annually through our financial assistance program. We live our mission that all are welcome regardless of ability to pay," said Jenise Lucey, Executive Director


South County Road Construction Operations
08:26AM / Friday, October 13, 2023
LEE, Mass. — The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) announced that crews will be conducting overnight hour paving, bridge repair, and traffic marking operations on I-90 eastbound and westbound in Lee, Becket, and Otis.    The work will be conducted at various times and locations from Monday, Oct. 16 through Friday, Oct. 20.    Lane closures will be in place during the construction operations and traffic will be able to travel through the work zones.  The schedule for the work and lane closures will be as follows:    Lee  Paving operations will be conducted nightly on I-90 eastbound between mile marker 12.2 and mile marker


Makers, Martha and Music: A Fall Afternoon at the Bidwell House
04:00PM / Thursday, October 12, 2023
MONTEREY, Mass. — From 1-4 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 14 visitors can experience early Berkshire history through craft, music and performance; while also enjoying local cider and donuts at the Bidwell House's Makers Martha and Music.    Activities that day will include: Historian Dennis Picard demonstrating traditional broom making, a craft he has been exploring for over 40 years. Blacksmith Chris Templin will demonstrate and explain the process he uses for working and shaping iron. Artisan Lynne White will share her skills in bobbin lacemaking while her husband Harold White will share his skills in molding and painting redware.  Both will have hands-on examples


South County School Merger Advocates Make Their Case
By Stephen Dravis, iBerkshires Staff
05:32AM / Thursday, October 12, 2023

School district planning Chair Lucy Prashker and consultant Jake Eberwein lead the presentation on Tuesday in West Stockbridge. WEST STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. — School officials in the Southern Berkshire and Berkshire Hills Regional School Districts are hoping voters in their member towns will make history later this month.   It is the best way those officials can see to ensure the future of the region's students.   Later this month, voters in eight South County towns will be asked whether they want to merge the area's two regional school districts, creating one preK-12 district to educate youngsters in the eight communities and, ultimately, one new high school


Great Barrington Invites CPA Funding Applications
10:35AM / Wednesday, October 11, 2023
GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Applications for Great Barrington Community Preservation Act (CPA) grants are now open for the FY 2025 funding round.   The application can be downloaded here.   The CPA provides grant funding for affordable housing, historic preservation, open space, and recreation projects within Great Barrington. Applications are open to anyone with a qualifying, eligible, project.    The town's Committee Preservation Committee will review and recommend funding awards, which will then be subject to a vote at the 2024 Annual Town Meeting next May.   The CPA application is a two-step process: Step 1 is an eligibility review, and Step 2 is a full


19 New Americans Sworn in at Naumkeag
By Brittany Polito, iBerkshires Staff
05:33AM / Wednesday, October 11, 2023

U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Robertson stresses the importance of civic engagement before the new Americans take their oath. 

STOCKBRIDGE, Mass. — Nineteen new Americans were sworn in on the grounds of Naumkeag on Tuesday morning. 

The annual naturalization ceremony and presentation of certificates honors all of the work that goes into becoming a citizen.

"It's really important that we tell you how much we need you here, how much we want you here, how very welcomed you are in this country," U.S. District Court Judge Katherine Robertson said to the group.

"We need you as new citizens. You belong here. This country would not be what it is


South County Construction Operations
08:21AM / Tuesday, October 10, 2023
LEE, Mass. — The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) announced that crews will be conducting daytime and overnight hour pavement milling, slope stabilization, bridge and drainage repair operations on I-90 eastbound and westbound in Lee, Becket, and Otis. The work will be conducted at various times and locations from Tuesday, Oct. 10 through Friday, Oct 13.    Lane closures will be in place during the construction operations and traffic will be able to travel through the work zones.  The schedule for the work and lane closures will be as follows:    Lee/Becket/Otis  Guardrail repairs and pavement marking installation will be conducted


Berkshire Agricultural Ventures Holds Inaugural Climate Smart Agriculture Event
04:03PM / Saturday, October 07, 2023
GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — Berkshire Agricultural Ventures (BAV) announced its inaugural climate smart agriculture event, "Harvesting Hope: Building Climate Resilient Farms in the Berkshire-Taconic Region."    The event took place Thursday, Sept. 21, at Berkshire Botanical Garden's historic Center House.    A panel of local farmers, climate experts, BAV's knowledgeable staff, and concerned community members, gathered and engaged in a dialogue about climate change and its impact on local agriculture.   "Harvesting Hope" was scheduled during Climate Week NYC, which coincided with the United Nations' Climate Ambition Summit. Though


CHP Prepares for Surge in Open Enrollment as More Residents Eligible for Subsidized Health Plans
08:46AM / Friday, October 06, 2023
GREAT BARRINGTON, Mass. — With Open Enrollment for MA Health Connector insurance beginning Nov. 1, the CHP insurance enrollment team is preparing to assist many more area residents who will now qualify for subsidized insurance plans.    The income limit for Health Connector plans has risen to $69,400 for an individual and $155,000 for a family of four, or 500 percent of the federal poverty level (FPL). Previously, subsidized health plans were available only to people within 300 percent of the FPL.   "Many people who have been paying for costly private health plans may now qualify for more affordable insurance, and we are ready to help," said William Cruz, lead


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